
Is There Nothing Succulents Can’t Do?

I love succulents. For many reasons:Drought Friendly Easy to propagate Great for pots Disease tolerant Suitable for indoors and outdoors Lots of varieties with amazing colours, shapes and texturesPropagating succulents is really easy....

What You Need to Know about Starting a Miniature Garden

Whether your gardening space is limited to the small balcony of your apartment, you want to green up your office space, or simply like the idea of creating mini-landscapes filled with fairies and other...

Gardening And Enjoying The Spoils

Chris and I have been working in the garden this morning. It is an absolute luxury after pretty much letting everything being burnt to a crisp in the heat wave. Here’s some piccies: Hydrangea cuttings:...

Resource Efficient Gardening

A few weeks ago I attended an excellent talk and discussion panel hosted by The Food Gardeners Alliance, we posted a little more on them in a previous post. Buying produce from a supermarket is perhaps...

Weekly Container Gardening Spotlight!

This is a fantastic use of plastic containers and proof that you don’t need a lot of space to have a functional balcony garden: Drink cartons can be reused for nuturing seedlings (I’d be inclined to...

Save Water in Your Property : The Garden

Here’s the first of a few tips on how to save water in your rental property, adapted from a Yarra Water leaflet, but picking out the highlights relating to renters…If you have grass in...

Are You Gardening With Concrete? Weekly Container Gardening Spotlight!

Here are few ideas to inspire: The car is protesting about car parking, “More parks less parking” can be found written on the car. You can find out how to make your car garden here The only...

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